Alcohol and Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What To Know Before Undergoing Surgery

If you are on a weight loss journey and considering surgery, there are a few things one should consider especially in lifestyle changes such as enjoying an alcoholic beverage. 

With any surgical procedure, there are certain guidelines patients are meant to follow pre-and-post operation. This is no different in surgical weight loss operations. Many patients wonder of how the surgery will affect what they can eat long term but, its also important to know what you can and cannot drink as well. 

Surgical patients should avoid drinking alcohol the first year post-op as this is when most of the weight loss occurs and when alcohol will affect you the most. Once patients are cleared post surgery, they should have an idea on what their diet and lifestyle looks like. Even if patients are cleared for “normal” activity – it should be considered how differently alcohol will affect post-op patients. 

Some patients may experience nausea and vomiting when consuming alcohol. It is important to soothe nausea symptoms brought on by alcohol and avoid vomiting to your best ability. Vomiting can cause your stomach to become inflamed and swollen. 

After gastric sleeve surgery, alcohol, like any drug can lead to several negative health effects. If you choose to drink post-surgery, it’s important to consider these factors.

  1. Digestion Disruption –  Drinking alcohol after procedures like gastric sleeve surgery can significantly slow down your digestive process, creating a shock to your system and can greatly slow down your digestion process. 
  2. Alcohol Absorption – Alcohol is broken down by an enzyme called dehydrogenase. After bariatric surgery, your stomach has reduced in size and this can affect how well you can digest and metabolize this enzyme. This means more alcohol is left in your bloodstream and increases the negative effects such as dehydration and impaired organ function. 

Patients should be sure they are taking care of their bodies in every way post-op and that includes when deciding to drink alcohol. Think about these factors when deciding to drink and be sure we have the tools in place to support you. 

  1. Drink with Friends/Family that are aware of your surgery and understand the side effects. 
  2. Keep track of the number of drinks you decide to have and understand your tolerance level so, you don’t over do it. It is important to be aware that post surgery your tolerance level will be different. 
  3. Be sure to eat a meal and drink water before drinking alcohol.

Drinking alcohol post gastric sleeve surgery is a choice patients make individually but, it is important to be considerate of the factors that arise post-operation. Be sure to consult with our team at Seger | MD if you are plan to drink post-surgery. 

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